Didactics in the age of robot technologies
In Denmark, intensive digitalization has come very far. The "new world of work" has fostered a need for exploring and applying new digital technologies in vocational education (VET), and together with educational institutions across levels and vocational fields. This paper outlines, why and how teachers in this ecosystem have responded to the emerging technologies in business and social life with diverse courses as the field of action. 79 unique courses, in many different forms, have been realized with, so far,
approx. 8,050 students, using programming technologies, robotics and mixed reality. To qualify and evaluate these courses, the tech-didactic model ROBOdidactics was developed and applied during a community action research process in Southern Denmark. The courses and the model were evaluated on the basis of large-scale results, and the conclusions are presented in this paper.
approx. 8,050 students, using programming technologies, robotics and mixed reality. To qualify and evaluate these courses, the tech-didactic model ROBOdidactics was developed and applied during a community action research process in Southern Denmark. The courses and the model were evaluated on the basis of large-scale results, and the conclusions are presented in this paper.
Wie wollen wir arbeiten? Berufliches Lernen zwischen Tradition und Transformation
Beiträge zur 7. Berufsbildungsforschungskonferenz (BBFK)
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weitere Infos
Lamscheck-Nielsen, Regina; Majgaard, Gunver: Didactics in the age of robot technologies. In: Schlögl, Peter; Tafner, Georg; Ostendorf, Annette; Bock-Schappelwein, Julia; Gramlinger, Franz (Hg.) (2022): Wie wollen wir arbeiten? Berufliches Lernen zwischen Tradition und Transformation. Beiträge zur 7. Berufsbildungsforschungskonferenz (BBFK) (1. Aufl.) Bielefeld: wbv Publikation. https://doi.org/10.3278/6004914w209