(Elementary) Teacher Education and Internationalization
The article deals with the topic of internationalization in (elementary) teacher education. In teacher education, the respective focus for school as well as for university is the national policy of education. In addition to this, cross-cutting issues in teacher education such as digital teaching and learning, dealing with heterogeneity, education for sustainable development and education for democracy are relevant topics in all educational systems and for teacher students in general. The claim of higher education for (elementary) teachers is based on the fact that students deal with the professional field of school academically, at a distance to practice, and that their own professional career does not directly go from school to school (again) but leads to a higher degree of professionalization through reflection, reviewing, and an academic examination in the educational field.
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A Step-by-step Model for Internationalization of Elementary School Teacher Education
Pedagogical University Development Using the Example of the Giessen GloPEG Project
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weitere Infos
Seifert, Anja (2024). (Elementary) Teacher Education and Internationalization. In Annika Brück-Hübner, Ulrike Beate Müller & Anja Seifert (Hg.), Internationalization of Teacher Education in Higher Education: Theories, Concepts and Practical Approaches of Virtual, Blended and Physical Mobility (S. 21-33). Bielefeld: wbv Publikation. https://doi.org/10.3278/I77352W002