Hendrik Schirmer

International student mobility

The EHEA has prioritised international student mobility since the beginning of the Bologna Process, with recent efforts including the European Commission's endorsement of the "Europe on the Move" initiative aiming to increase learning mobility, address barriers, and promote sustainability. However, socio-economic factors continue to influence participation, especially among those from lower socio-economic backgrounds, potentially exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Indeed, findings in the chapter at hand show that social inequalities in international student mobility persist, favouring students with parental academic backgrounds. Additional (and at least partly interrelated) factors like migration background, parental financial status, and field of study influence mobility participation. Financing remains the major obstacle for studies abroad, highlighting the need for targeted support programs. While Erasmus+ is popular for organising study periods abroad, internships are often independently organised. A rise in other, unspecified activities abroad potentially reflects students' adaptations to the COVID-19 pandemic.


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Hendrik Schirmer
Types and modes of study
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Cordelia Menz, Sylvia Mandl
Students’ time budget
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Sylvia Mandl, Cordelia Menz
Students’ employment and internships
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Christoph Gwosc
Students’ resources
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Christoph Gwosc
Students’ expenses
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Kristina Hauschildt
Policy considerations
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weitere Infos

Schirmer, H. (2024). International student mobility. In K. Hauschildt (Ed.), Social and economic conditions of student life in Europe. EUROSTUDENT 8 Synopsis of indicators 2021-2024. wbv Publikation. DOI: 10.3278/6001920ew010

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Bibliografische Angaben

  • Auflage: 1
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 10.07.2024
  • Umfang: 24 Seiten
  • Artikelnr: 6001920ew010
  • ISBN (Print): 9783763977468
  • ISBN E-Book (PDF): 9783763977475
  • DOI (E-Book-Teilbeitrag): 10.3278/6001920ew010
  • Imprint: wbv Publikation
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Lizenzhinweis: Creative Commons Namensnennung-Share Alike 4.0 International

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