Hendrik Schirmer

Transition into and within higher education

Flexible options for higher education (re-)entrance are important measures to foster social justice and lifelong participation in (higher) education systems with the aim to ultimately create equitable, diverse, and inclusive systems. This chapter looks at these flexible (re-)entry routes along different phases of the study cycle. Not only is the extent of the use of flexible access and return routes across countries considered, but also their suitability for promoting the participation of socially disadvantaged and older population groups in higher education. Main findings include alternative access routes serving as higher education entry paths for older population groups and first-generation students, diversification of access pathways going hand in hand with higher education systems' openness, and extensions of studies beyond the standard period is associated with declining prospects of academic success.


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Hendrik Schirmer
Types and modes of study
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Cordelia Menz, Sylvia Mandl
Students’ time budget
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Sylvia Mandl, Cordelia Menz
Students’ employment and internships
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Christoph Gwosc
Students’ resources
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Christoph Gwosc
Students’ expenses
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Kristina Hauschildt
Policy considerations
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weitere Infos

Schirmer, H. (2024). Transition into and within higher education. In K. Hauschildt (Ed.), Social and economic conditions of student life in Europe. EUROSTUDENT 8 Synopsis of indicators 2021-2024. wbv Publikation. DOI: 10.3278/6001920ew003

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Bibliografische Angaben

  • Auflage: 1
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 10.07.2024
  • Umfang: 22 Seiten
  • Artikelnr: 6001920ew003
  • ISBN (Print): 9783763977468
  • ISBN E-Book (PDF): 9783763977475
  • DOI (E-Book-Teilbeitrag): 10.3278/6001920ew003
  • Imprint: wbv Publikation
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Lizenzhinweis: Creative Commons Namensnennung-Share Alike 4.0 International

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