Professionalisation of Teachers in Work-Oriented Basic Education
Process Orientation as a Special Competence Requirement of Teachers
The pedagogical concept of work-oriented basic education is the result of an increasing differentiation concerning the concept of basic education and adult education as a whole. This article addresses the question of context specificity in the field of workoriented basic education. This will be discussed within the context-specifics of knowledge and skills of teachers in the field. Certain competencies, such as process orientation and the development of diverse addressee relationships, are particularly relevant in the field of work-oriented basic education, although they are closely linked to general adult education skills.
Effects of Work-Oriented Adult Basic Education Trainings
Addressing Employee's Competencies across Sectors
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Professionalisation of Teachers in Work-Oriented Basic Education
Process Orientation as a Special Competence Requirement of Teachers
Open Access
Potenziale und methodische Herausforderungen längsschnittlicher Programmanalysen
Ein Diskussionsbeitrag anlässlich des 100-jährigen Jubiläums der Volkshochschulen
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