Michael Schemmann (Hg.)

Internationales Jahrbuch der Erwachsenenbildung / International Yearbook of Adult Education 2023

Researching Participation in Adult Education

(Non-)Participation in adult and continuing education is a complex issue influenced by interacting factors at individual, organisational and societal levels. Therefore, research on participation in adult education is still a work in progress.
Michael Schemmann
Researching Participation in Adult Education. An Introduction to the Topic

- I Thematischer Schwerpunkt/Key Subject -

Ellen Boeren
Conceptualizing Lifelong Learning Participation - Theoretical Perspectives and Integrated Approaches

Anke Grotlüschen & Klaus Buddeberg
Haben wir die falschen Instrumente?

Ş. Erhan Bağcı
Documentary Method and Biographical Narrative Interview for Understanding Participation in Adult Education

Richard Desjardins & Jungwon Kim
Inequality in adult education participation across national contexts: is growing employer support exacerbating or mitigating inequality in participation?

Lena Sindermann
Frustration, Care Work, and the Pandemic: Reasons for Drop-Out in Literacy and Adult Basic Education

Jan Kalenda
Participation in Non-formal Adult Education in the Czech Republic from 1997 to 2020

- II Vermischtes/Miscellaneous -

Tim Vetter, Gwennaëlle Mulliez & Eva Bonn
Between Anything Goes and Methodical Rigor - An Empirical Analysis of Systematic Literature Reviews in Adult Education Research

- III Rezensionen/Reviews -

Thomas Theurer
Rezension: Bildungspolitiken. Spielräume für Gesellschaftsformation in der globalisierten Ökonomie?

Gwennaëlle Mulliez
Rezension: Self-Empowerment und Professionalisierung in Migrantinnenselbstorganisationen. Eine biografieanalytische und differenzreflektierende Untersuchung


Michael Schemmann
Researching Participation in Adult Education

An Introduction to the Topic

Open Access
creative common licence by

Ellen Boeren
Conceptualizing Lifelong Learning Participation

Theoretical Perspectives and Integrated Approaches

Open Access
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Anke Grotlüschen, Klaus Buddeberg
Haben wir die falschen Instrumente?
Open Access
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Richard Desjardins, Jungwon Kim
Inequality in adult education participation across national contexts

Is growing employer support exacerbating or mitigating inequality in participation?

Open Access
creative common licence by

Lena Sindermann
Frustration, Care Work, and the Pandemic

Reasons for Drop-Out in Literacy and Adult Basic Education

Open Access
creative common licence by

Tim Vetter, Gwennaëlle Mulliez, Eva Bonn
Between Anything Goes and Methodical Rigor

An Empirical Analysis of Systematic Literature Reviews in Adult Education Research

Open Access
creative common licence by

Thomas Theurer
Rezension: Bildungspolitiken

Spielräume für Gesellschaftsformation in der globalisierten Ökonomie?

Open Access
creative common licence by

Gwennaëlle Mulliez
Rezension: Self-Empowerment und Professionalisierung in Migrantinnenselbstorganisationen

Eine biografieanalytische und differenzreflektierende Untersuchung

Open Access
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Open Access
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weitere Infos

Schemmann, Michael (Hg.) (2022). Internationales Jahrbuch der Erwachsenenbildung 2023. Researching Participation in Adult Education. Bielefeld: wbv Publikation. https://doi.org/10.3278/9783763973910


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Bibliografische Angaben

  • Reihe: Internationales Jahrbuch der Erwachsenenbildung
  • Band: 46
  • Auflage: 1
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 06.04.2023
  • Umfang: 170 Seiten
  • Artikelnr: I73903
  • ISBN (Print): 9783763973903
  • ISBN E-Paper: 9783763973910
  • DOI E-Paper: 10.3278/9783763973910
  • Imprint: wbv Publikation
  • Sprache: Deutsch

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