Pamela E. Bromley

Locating the International Writing Center Community

Writing centers are expanding globally, but little is known about the locations of all centers outside the United States. This study, conducted in 2015-16, shares a comprehensive database of non-US writing centers (n = 552) and survey of professionals (n = 218) compared to similar US studies. The study finds that more than half of writing centers outside the US are located in six countries - Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, South Africa, and the United Kingdom - and that non-US writing centers have somewhat different institutional positions compared to their US peers. Locating writing centers outside the US is a first step to understanding the ways in which the work of these centers, as a group, compares to their US counterparts.


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Ausgabe 25: Concepts, Community and Collaboration

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creative common licence by-sa

weitere Infos

Bromley, Pamela (2023): Locating the International Writing Center Community. JoSch - Journal für Schreibwissenschaft, 14(1), 10-20. DOI:


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Bibliografische Angaben

  • Reihe: JoSch - Journal für Schreibwissenschaft
  • Band: 14
  • Auflage: 1
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 23.06.2023
  • Umfang: 11 Seiten
  • Artikelnr: JOS2301W002
  • DOI (E-Paper-Teilbeitrag): 10.3278/JOS2301W002
  • Imprint: wbv Publikation
  • Sprache: Englisch

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