Inhalt: Internationales Jahrbuch Erwachsenenbildung 2022
Open Access
Open Access
Empirically Grasping the Institutional
Methodological Reflections on Institutional Research Using Grounded Theory
Open Access
Open Access
Institutional Entrepreneurship in Adult Basic Education
Recent Theoretical Developments and Empirical Analyses
Open Access
Who Publishes What?
A Bibliometric Study of Papers from the Global South in International Journals of Adult Education Research
Open Access
Open Access
Review: Between PIAAC and the New Literacy Studies
What adult education can learn from large-scale assessments without adopting the neo-liberal paradigm
Open Access
Open Access
weitere Infos
Schemmann, Michael (Hrsg.) (2022): Internationales Jahrbuch der Erwachsenenbildung 2022. Adult Education Research and Neo-Institutional Theory. Bielefeld 2022.