Lifelong Career Guidance and Counselling
Structures and Services in Germany
The global challenges, such as the ageing of society or the digital transformation in the economy and society, are increasingly changing the counselling work in Germany. The Corona pandemic has further accelerated this process in recent years. For example, telephone and online counselling are now an integral part of communication with our clients, and online portals and interactive self-information services are being expanded. Another significant challenge is the increasing demand for skilled workers and the need to recruit skilled workers from abroad.
All these developments have made it necessary to update the nfb brochure "Lifelong Guidance in Germany", which was realised in friendly cooperation with the national Euroguidance Centre in the Federal Employment Agency. With its activities, the European information network for career guidance counsellors with over 30 information and guidance centres in Europe makes an important contribution to promoting European educational mobility and guidance cooperation in Europe.
As an association bringing together guidance associations and organisations, experts from science and research, business organisations and trade unions, the Nationale Forum Beratung in Bildung, Beruf und Beschäftigung e.V. (nfb) is committed to the professional development of guidance services in Germany and is a driving force in improving quality and professionalism. This brochure informs guidance practitioners and the interested professional public at home and abroad about the basic features of the German guidance system in the field of education, career and employment (BBB guidance) and provides a compact overview of the guidance structures and guidance services in Germany.
All these developments have made it necessary to update the nfb brochure "Lifelong Guidance in Germany", which was realised in friendly cooperation with the national Euroguidance Centre in the Federal Employment Agency. With its activities, the European information network for career guidance counsellors with over 30 information and guidance centres in Europe makes an important contribution to promoting European educational mobility and guidance cooperation in Europe.
As an association bringing together guidance associations and organisations, experts from science and research, business organisations and trade unions, the Nationale Forum Beratung in Bildung, Beruf und Beschäftigung e.V. (nfb) is committed to the professional development of guidance services in Germany and is a driving force in improving quality and professionalism. This brochure informs guidance practitioners and the interested professional public at home and abroad about the basic features of the German guidance system in the field of education, career and employment (BBB guidance) and provides a compact overview of the guidance structures and guidance services in Germany.
Part I Introduction
1. Educational and career guidance in the context of lifelong learning
2. The career guidance landscape in Germany at a glance
2.1 Legal foundations and institutional framework
2.2 Guidance services across the life span - actors and responsibilities
Part II Career Guidance and Counselling throughout the life span
3. Educational guidance in general secondary education
4. Study and career guidance in higher education (HE)
5. Lifelong Guidance (LBB) - the Concept of the Federal Employment Agency (FEA)
6. Career Guidance and Counselling (CGC) by the local Employment Agencies (EA) before working life and in transition from school to work
7. Career guidance and Counselling (CGC) in working life, continuing education, and advisory service
for skills development
7.1 Career guidance and counselling in working life by the local Employment Agencies (EA)
7.2 Educational guidance services provided by municipalities
7.3 Advice from chambers, business associations and social partners
7.4 Private sector (freelance) career development and coaching services, organisation consultancies
7.5 Skills development advisory service for companies
7.6 Federal and state programmes to promote educational and career guidance
8. Educational and vocational guidance for people with special needs for guidance and support
8.1 Educational and vocational guidance for persons with disabilities
8.2 Educational and vocational guidance for disadvantaged young people
8.3 Educational and vocational guidance for people with a migration background
9. Digital career services - information, guidance and counselling via the Internet
Part III Quality development and professionalisation
10. Quality, quality standards and quality assurance
11. Professionalisation and professionalism
Part IV European and international cooperation
12. European institutions and networks
13. International organisations and associations
Part I Introduction
1. Educational and career guidance in the context of lifelong learning
2. The career guidance landscape in Germany at a glance
2.1 Legal foundations and institutional framework
2.2 Guidance services across the life span - actors and responsibilities
Part II Career Guidance and Counselling throughout the life span
3. Educational guidance in general secondary education
4. Study and career guidance in higher education (HE)
5. Lifelong Guidance (LBB) - the Concept of the Federal Employment Agency (FEA)
6. Career Guidance and Counselling (CGC) by the local Employment Agencies (EA) before working life and in transition from school to work
7. Career guidance and Counselling (CGC) in working life, continuing education, and advisory service
for skills development
7.1 Career guidance and counselling in working life by the local Employment Agencies (EA)
7.2 Educational guidance services provided by municipalities
7.3 Advice from chambers, business associations and social partners
7.4 Private sector (freelance) career development and coaching services, organisation consultancies
7.5 Skills development advisory service for companies
7.6 Federal and state programmes to promote educational and career guidance
8. Educational and vocational guidance for people with special needs for guidance and support
8.1 Educational and vocational guidance for persons with disabilities
8.2 Educational and vocational guidance for disadvantaged young people
8.3 Educational and vocational guidance for people with a migration background
9. Digital career services - information, guidance and counselling via the Internet
Part III Quality development and professionalisation
10. Quality, quality standards and quality assurance
11. Professionalisation and professionalism
Part IV European and international cooperation
12. European institutions and networks
13. International organisations and associations
The National Forum for Guidance (nfb) is a non-profit association promoting the professional development of guidance services in Germany. Its members come from science, politics and business.
The Research Group on Guidance Quality at the Institute of Educational Science at the University of Heidelberg (IBW) conducts studies and basic scientific research in the field of guidance science.
The Research Group on Guidance Quality at the Institute of Educational Science at the University of Heidelberg (IBW) conducts studies and basic scientific research in the field of guidance science.
weitere Infos
National Forum for Guidance (nfb) (2022). Lifelong Career Guidance and Counselling: Structures and Services in Germany (1. ed.). Bielefeld: wbv Publikation;